
2015-02-01 13:30:14
高马尾麻花辫的发型效果图 本视频教程由 Cute Girls Hairstyles 创作,教给大家的是“高马尾麻花辫的绑法”。



1 发型可爱,萌感加倍;

2 梳理简单,自己一个人可以完成;

3 辫子缠绕较紧,易于保持,不必担心突然散开,遮住脸庞等,适合运动场合;

4 发型能够给以极其复杂的感觉,但实际绑法相对容易,让你也能成为别人的老师;


高马尾麻花辫,Chain Link Braid,大家好,我来自“可爱女孩发型”节目的Mindy,今天Kamri和我为大家带来这种发型,Hey guys! I m Mindy, from CuteGirlsHairstyles, and today Kamri s joining me to show you this hairstyle,我们叫它高马尾麻花辫,which we are calling the Chain Link Braid.
今天我们要学习的发型,和很久很久之前的一种,Now, we have one that we did, like, forever, and ever, and ever ago,
that was similar to this.
But, I learned a little bit different technique that I think is easier, so I m going to show you how to do that today!
And this, by the way, bonus, is, like, the twins favorite hairstyle. They, like, swear by it!
当问起学校的人们怎么看这种发型时,她们获得了很多评论,And talk all the time about how when they wear it to school, they get a million comments,
很多人都在问她们,这种发型究竟是如何做得,and tons of people asking them how on earth they did it.
因为它看起来很酷,好像很难,实则不是,Because it s one of those that s really cool where it looks, like, way harder than it actually is!
So, now I m going to show you how to do it. So simple!
现在,在开始之前,我只是想让你知道,Now, before I begin, I just want you to know.
I get asked all the time if you can do these styles on yourself, and this one is a definite YES!
给自己独立完成的人两个赞,这对双胞胎姐妹一直自己做,Double Thumbs Up for doing it yourself, the twins do it all the time!
并且,这种发型也适合湿头发,无论头发干湿,都可以马上进行,And, also, this is a great one for wet hair, because it doesn t matter whether it s wet or dry.
好了,我从这里开始,如果从这个角度看,So, I ve started by... if you ll tip your head just right here...
您可以注意到,我从前面翻出三缕头发,You can see that I just did three little flips, in the front, just for something,
Like, a little pop of something in front of her head. OK, you can put it back up now. Thank you!
然后,我把它固定成高马尾辫,And, then I ve secured it into a high ponytail.
现在,因为她的头发相对纤细,并且我希望发型能够保持一整天,Now, because she has relatively fine hair, and I want this to last for awhile today,
于是,我要往头发上喷水,轻轻地,一点点水就足够了,I m actually going to just spritz it, very lightly, with a little bit of water.
所以你也明白了,这个发型无论头发干湿,都可以做,So you can see, that you can do this dry, or wet, it doesn t matter.
湿头发有助于在后续扭头发时,让我们更容易把握头发的走向,This helps control the flyways, as we go ahead and twist her hair.
好的,现在让我们把头发从中间,OK, now you re going to split this whole thing in half...
分成两半,Just right down the middle.
我请她为我紧紧抓住两束的一束,Two even sections, and I m going to have her just hang onto this one for me.
现在,我有了两束头发,接着,我再将这一束,And, I m going to split... now I have two sections, and I m going to re-split one of my sections,分成两半,into half, again.
我开始绑扎头发,现在,你需要这样做,Then I m going to begin twisting. Now, what you want to do is,
将右手的这束头发顺时针扭一圈,you want to give this right piece, just a slight twist to the right,
接着,穿过左边的头发,and, then, you cross it over the left one.
现在,当这些头发都被缠绕好,继续重复上面的步骤,先扭右边,接着再绕回左边,Now, when they ve been switched, then you twist this, again, to the right, and cross it to the left.
这样,把右边的发束顺时针绕一圈,从上面交叉,So, give this a twist to the right, and then over the top,
顺时针扭一圈,从上面交叉,Twist to the right, over the top.
Now, for those of you who have watched my videos before, you guys know that this is called a Rope Twist.
总体而言,当你顺时针旋转,再向左这样缠绕发束后,整个辫子已经被紧紧地固定好了,And, basically, when you re twisting it to the right, and then crossing it to the left, it secures the twists in tighter.
套上橡皮筋后,你更不用担心辫子会自己解开,So that they don t untwist after you put your elastic on them.
这就是我们的创新之处,So, that s what we are creating, right here.
并且,你可以发现,正因为刚才喷的一点水,And, you can see, even just adding a couple spritzes of water,
使我们最后更容易梳理这些小马尾,has helped me control some of these little fly-aways at the end.
让它们比较紧地缠绕在一起,So that they stay in a little tighter.
当你最终完成了这一侧的发型,套上一个橡皮筋来固定它,When you get to the very end, where you re running out of hair, then grab an elastic and secure it.
然后我们在另一侧重复同样的步骤,And we re going to repeat the exact same thing on the other side.
This took 60 seconds...
你注意到即使我放手,头发也会保持缠绕,而不会散开,Now, you re going to take these two twists... you notice when I let go, it stayed put. Didn t unravel.
现在你需要将两束头发,顺时针缠绕在一起,Now, you re going to take them, and you re going to twist them both together, going to the right.
现在,两束头发扭到一起了,Now, what happens, is, that as you twist this together,
它们像这样连结在一起,像一个链状栅栏,或者其他什么东西,it links up in such a way, that it almost looks like a chain link fence, or something.
我不确定,看上去,他们都被连结到一起,I don t know, it looks like they re all linked together.
然后,我将要用一个橡皮筋,And, then what I do, is just go ahead and pull one of those elastics out,
然后把整个辫子固定到一起,and secure the whole thing together.
接着,你可以卸掉原来的橡皮筋,只需要一个就足够了,And, then you can remove that second elastic, too, so there s only one.
正如你从不同角度来观察的那样,And... you re all finished! And, you can see, like, from all different sides,
它看起来就像,我不确定,it looks... really cool! And the thing is, it looks like, I don t know, it looks like it s all,整个发型错综复杂,通过某种方式扭到一起,really intricately woven, and twisted together somehow, and...
So people come up, and they re, like, “How on earth did you do that?”
然后你和他们解释,他们并不相信绑法竟然这么简单,And, then you explain it to them and they can t believe it s that simple.
So, there you go!
哦,差点忘了,让我完成这个发型,当然,是用蝴蝶结,Oh, and I m going to finish it off, I forgot, of course, with a bow!
Just to add a little girly flare!
Let s do the final spin...
你可以看到,这种发型很像,像麻花一样缠绕到一起的链条,You can see, it almost just looks like chain links, like, hooked together like this.
So you can t really see it, and...
Hello, we have (laughs)...
our finished product! Woo-hoo!
同时,这种发型很适合女孩运动,比如打垒球、啦啦队助威、跳舞,或者其他类似的情形,Also, another great hairstyle for athletic girls, girls playing softball, cheerleading, dance, anything like that,
都适合这种发型,因为头发会紧紧绑在一起,不会遮挡到你的面部,this is going to be a great one, because it s going to stay in, and your hair is out of your face.


1 将头发三等分,用发卡固定,向后翻出绑成高马尾,像高马尾上喷一些水,以利于后面绑扎;

2 将高马尾两等分,将其中的一束继续等分,将右侧的发束顺时针扭曲,从左侧的发束的上方交叉;绑成麻花辫,用橡皮筋固定;

3 将另一束头发按照步骤2绑成麻花辫;

4 将两只麻花辫交叉,扭到一起,卸掉之前的橡皮筋,用新的橡皮筋固定;

5 佩戴喜欢的可爱发饰,如蝴蝶结,高马尾麻花辫绑扎完成!
