
本视频教程由 Cute Girls Hairstyles 录制发布,讲师 Mindy ,模特 Kamri。视频时长6:29,预计流量消耗31MB。

美人鱼半辫(Mermaid Half Braid)是一种富有可爱、公主气质的发型。其在长直发的基础上,在头发背后,从两侧相对缠绕编织出4英寸传统法式辫子,之后再将剩余的发束每三股一起编织起来,其下半部分恰如美人鱼的尾巴一样,故被讲师称为美人鱼半辫。美人鱼半辫间的发束紧密相连,却留有空隙,恰如在头发背后,挂上一件自然流畅的,好像瀑布的窗帘一样。萌感十足。




美人鱼半辫,Mermaid Half Braid,大家好!我是“可爱女生发型”节目的Mindy!
Hey guys! I m Mindy from CuteGirlsHairstyles!
Today I m here with Kamri! Hi Guys!
And, we are going to show you how to do a Mermaid Half Braid!
我喜欢这种发型,因为它实在太酷了,我不确定,这种发型很像从头发上倾泻而下的窗帘,I love this style, because it s so cool, I don t know, like just, kind of, drapes down the hair!
Which is what I think is fun about it! She wore it to school the other day, what did people say about it?
They really liked it, thought it was cool!
正因为无数人的喜欢,所以我们打算为大家录制一个视频教程,They thought it was cool, so we re going to film a tutorial for you guys!
现在,在开始前,我已经将她的头发从中间分开,Now, to begin with, i ve parted her hair in the middle,
And, we re going to flip her around...
虽然我们……她已经拥有了漂亮的直发,但是,我仍要拉直它,And, we... she has pretty straight hair anyway, but, I straightened it
使头发看起来更加光滑和漂亮,just so that it looked really, really smooth and pretty.
还有一点你需要确定,你需要自己梳理后面的头发,And the one thing you want to make sure, is that you have your hair brushed or combed backwards,
在这里,因为你需要看到展示动作,Right here, because you want this to lay,
比如,如何梳理下面的辫子,like, lay really smooth underneath the braid.
所以,我们将站在她的脸前,So, we re going to go to the front of her face,
我们将旋转她的座椅,以便你看到我在做什么,We ll turn her so you can see what I m doing.
现在我正要抓取一小束头发,就在这里,and I m just going to grab a small little piece, right here,
并且我将要把它拉回来,并且我想要确定,and I am going to pull it back. And I want to make sure that it s not, like,
我们仅仅需要真正很窄,很少的一束,too big of a wide strip, we want just a really narrow, little piece.
并且,如果你愿意,你甚至可以在头发上喷一点发蜡,And, if you want, you can even, you know, just spritz a little bit of spray wax on it,
来让头发看起来更加精致,just to to make sure that it keeps that, kind of, a really polished look.
And, I m going to grab one from each side. Will you hold this please?
For a second?
很好,我没有又一次弄糟,So I don t lose that one again.
嗯,我喜欢,确定你喜欢它的外观,Same thing on this side. Just grab a small piece... and, I like, just make sure you like the way it looks,
并且你不需要把头发拉得很紧,and you re not going to pull the hair very tight, at all.
喷一点点发蜡,Spray that a little tiny bit.
喷发蜡不是必须的,你可以跳过这一步,You don t have to add the wax, you can do it without.
好了,现在,在左侧,我准确地抓住两束头发,OK, now, on this left side, I m actually going to grab two pieces, because,
因为我们需要三股头发,来编织辫子,we have to have three strands to start a braid.
所以,我将要在这里向上,找到另一束头发,So, I m going to go up here and find a second one.
然后,我将要拿着所有三束头发,这里有个窍门,Then, I m going to take all three of them, and, the trick here...
一定要保持发束的松弛,is to just make sure that you are doing it loose.
比如,你不需要像这样拉得太紧,Like, you don t want... you don t want to pull it so tight that it s like this.
你肯定想让头发,悬垂,自然地从她的头上倾斜而下,You really want it to, like, drape, and fall naturally on her head.
接着,我们将要将三束头发,像这样编织到一起,And, then, I m going to begin a stitch, right here, with the three pieces,
你将看到,我从现在开始重复这个步骤,……让我放松一下手臂,and you ll see, I m even going to go back, right now, and, kind of, like, just... relax my hand.
头发正好落在她的脖颈处,So that it falls right where, like, the base of her head is.
接着,我将要来这里,抓住另一小束头发,And, then I m going to come up here, and grab another little tiny piece,
把它拉回来,并加入到辫子中,and pull it back, and add it into the braid.
现在,我们正开始编我们的法式辫子,这就是我们正在做的,Now, we re just beginning our French Braid, that s what we are doing, we re just adding in hair,向法式辫子中加头发,to form our French Braid.
但是我现在正做着相当细微的一部分,But I m just doing really small little sections.
像这一股就太宽了,我再拿一束,Like, little small strands. Like, see, that one, to me, is too wide, so I m going to go back,拾起稍小的一股,是的!从这里我们继续!
pick up one that s smaller. Yep! Here we go!
接着在左侧重复同样的做法,And, same thing on this left side.
接着再回到右侧,如此反复,And, back again, to the right...
This took 1 minute...
好了,现在,当你觉得头发已经加得足够,OK, now, when you get to where you feel like you ve added enough pieces,
then I m just going to complete it using a regular braid, all the way down...
你可以看到,我已经拾起了足够多的小股头发,并且在股与股之间留有空隙,You can see that I ve picked up small enough pieces that there s separation between the strands,
接下来是你真正想看的,是什么使它看起来更像美人鱼辫子,and that s what you really want to see. That s what makes it look like more of a Mermaid Braid,而不仅仅像普通的法式辫子,这是你观看教程的主要目的,and less like a regular French Braid, and that s what you re really going for here.
还记得么,你刚刚拾起了很小,很小股的头发,对于美人鱼辫子来说,这一点十分重要,So it s really important that you just pick up very, very small pieces when you re doing this braid.
目前我们只完成了4英寸的编织,And, we only did, about, maybe four inches of braiding,
接下来……很好,你可以继续这样下去,将头发编入辫子,And, then... well, you could continue it all the way down, and add in pieces,一直到最后,只要你愿意,all the way to the end if you wanted to.
但是,我喜欢它像一种发音到一半的重音,But, I like how it just looks, like, it s just, kind of, like an accent half way through.
这也是我为什么叫到美人鱼半辫的原因,Which is why I m calling it the Mermaid Half Braid.
OK, let s do the final spin!
Doo, doo, doooo! There you have the Mermaid Half Braid!
照应前面,现在,对我而言,另一种选择,And, back around to the front. Now, for me, another couple options,
我喜欢饰品,所以你可以在底部插入发饰,I love accessories, so you could stick a bow at the end.
你可以在美人鱼辫的末尾插入发饰,You could pop a bow just right at the end of the Mermaid Tail.
或者,你可以做些有趣的事情,比如更加开放的,加入一些可爱的花朵,Or, you could do something fun, and, kind of, more boho, like, add these cute flowers.
Like this!
Right here!
接着,在后面打上结,这样它将看起来非常酷,And, then tie it back behind, and it would look really cool,皮革发饰也不错!
with the leather kind of draping by the braid, as well!
你可以根据爱好,选择装扮美人鱼半辫的发饰,Any of those are awesome options on ways to mix it up, depending on what you feel like!
Some exciting news, you guys!
We haven t done a giveaway on our channel for a long time!
我最近发现了Frendz出的玫瑰金的泰勒耳机,And, I recently discovered these awesome rose-gold, Taylor headphones by Frendz!
所以,我决定选择你们的一位,送出一对耳机,So, I decided to give away a pair, as well, to one of you guys!
进入频道的人,均有机会获得,So, there is only one requirement to enter, it s CRAZY easy!
以中央时间为准,频道将在2014年9月13日,11:59关闭,It closes on September 13th, 2014, at 11:59pm my time, which is Central Time.
And... yeah! I think that s it! You guys... ENTER... they re awesome!
They are SO good, I love them! And they re cute, I get compliments on them all the time!
And, we ll see you guys Sunday! Bye guys! Bye!
Later tidbits,谢谢来自“可爱女生发型”的节目!
Thank you, from CuteGirlsHairstyles!
That s kind of scary! (Laughs)
I can t hear you!
你也不能听见我?不,You can t hear me? No.
Am I talking loud? (Laughs)
That doesn t make any sense!
I just asked if you could hear me, and you said “no”!
Well, I hear, like, “Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.”
That s what I m hearing!
OK! (Laughs)
